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Clinical Merit Scholarships

One of the mission objectives of the Chicagoland Perfusion Foundation is to enhance Perfusion education and reward students for excellence in their clinical rotations. This merit award is open to any current Perfusion student on clinical rotations who is enrolled at a CAAHEP accredited school.


To apply for the clinical merit scholarship, a Perfusionist or physician at the clinical setting(s) and or Perfusion program director shall write an email justification declaring why the student is deserving of the award. All entries will be collected by the CPF Board of Directors and winners of the award(s) will be determined on recommendations of outstanding clinical merit. Students do not have to be present at the meeting to collect awards, but it is strongly encouraged.


Submit letter to: to be considered for this award.



Past recipients of CPF scholarships:

Denesha Stover

Matt Rietsma

Emily Emanuele

Breanna Hackworth

Robin Schwartz

Sravani Nanduri

Mitch Van Koevering

Roaya Braqa

Adrian Guzik

Benton Farrell

Logan Hislope

Nicholas Lozanovski

Cris Parra

Anita Parker

Brianna Duden

Christine Stark


2024 Recipients-

Ashton Warlick- Abstract award
Luke Juricek-Abstract award

Carrie Johnson

Casi Hudak

Joshua Cowan

John Gaffney


2025 Recipients-

Andrew Benson

Bailey Reitsma









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